What Eye Diseases are Genetic?

What Eye Diseases are Genetic?

Many people want to know if they are susceptible to a disease that a parent has or if they may potentially pass a condition on to a child. If a disease is inherited, it is because it is a genetic condition.   Types of Genetic Conditions There are many different...
What Can Cause a Dilated Pupil?

What Can Cause a Dilated Pupil?

What is the Pupil? The pupil is the black circle in the middle of the colored portion of the eye, the iris. The pupil is actually a hole that allows light to enter the eye. The size of the pupil changes due to light, medication, and some disease processes. A large...
How is Your Visual Field Tested?

How is Your Visual Field Tested?

There are many ways to test your visual field, or the amount of space that you can see with your eyes open normally. It is important to have your visual field checked regularly to monitor for any changes by diseases such as glaucoma or macular degeneration. Your...
How Do the Eyes and Vision Develop in Infants?

How Do the Eyes and Vision Develop in Infants?

Sight is one of the most powerful senses for everyone, including babies and infants. Vision can be measured in infants at many stages of development.   Vision in Newborn Babies After birth, the baby will open its eyes within minutes typically. At this age, the...