On-site Care
Eye Contact offers on-site optometry services to residents of assisted living, long-term care, and skilled nursing facilities.
In-house visits ensure the comfort and convenience of residents, while eliminating the need for transportation to outside facilities. Eye exams are performed at the community using the latest in portable equipment. We carry a wide array of frames and our staff will help find the right size and shape for residents. Both bifocal and single vision lenses are available. Routine on-site eye examinations include problem-oriented history, visual acuity, eye health assessment, refraction, disposition, eyeglass order generation when indicated, and any other vision service within the equipment parameters. Referral to ophthalmology, other physicians or specialty services will occur as needed.
Our full-service optometry care, which is specifically geared toward our assisted living, long-term care, and skilled nursing facilities, includes the following:
• State approved same day electronic charts
• State of the art mobile equipment
• Detailed personalized care & treatment plans for each patient
• We handle all billing at no hassle to the facility
• Glasses prescriptions provided to every patient, when applicable, with purchase options.
• Over 35 frames to choose from
• Customer service access to one of our dedicated employees
Contact our On-Site Services Coordinator for more information.

Katie Mobley, On-Site Services Coordinator
Patient Forms
We kindly request that the following forms are reviewed and applicable forms are completed to the best of one’s ability prior to the appointment: